Tag Archive: art quilts

The Endeavourers’ Reveal Day — Harmony

Another quarterly reveal for the online art quilt group, The Endeavourers. This time the theme was “Harmony,” and I had a hard time coming up with a design. I wanted something that said,… Continue reading

The Endeavourers’ Reveal Day: Patterns in Nature

It is time for the quarterly reveal day for the online art quilt group, The Endeavourers.  This time our theme was “Patterns in Nature.” It took me a while to come up with… Continue reading

The Endeavourers’ Reveal Day — Circles and Squares

I am part of an online art quilt group that completes quarterly challenges. This time our theme was “Circles and Squares.” I spent about two months wondering what on earth I would make… Continue reading

The Endeavourers Reveal Day: Collage

I am part of an online art quilt group, The Endeavourers.  We have quarterly design themes, and it is always fun to see how each person interprets the theme.  This quarter the theme… Continue reading

The Endeavourers’ Reveal Day — Maps

Our online art quilt group, The Endeavourers, picked “maps” as this quarter’s theme. I love looking at maps and I had a lot of ideas for this one, but I finally settled on… Continue reading

The Endeavourers’ Reveal Day — Portrait Two-for-one

The quarterly challenge for this online art quilt group was “Portrait.” As usual, I had lots of ideas, but as the deadline approached, I chose the least complicated of them. I had taken… Continue reading

The Endeavourers’ Reveal Day – Quilt Quest

It’s time once again for the quarterly reveal day for the online art quilt group, The Endeavourers. This time the theme was “Boustrophedon,” and I had an idea what that word means. It… Continue reading

Notes on Design Styles

I read a lot of books about defining one’s artistic style, and I just came across a very helpful guide, Joen Wolfrom’s Adventures in Design: Ultimate Visual Guide. This book specifically addresses design… Continue reading

Two Small Finishes

Over the past few months real life has snapped its fingers to get my attention — my husband has had two minor knee surgeries, we had a big party to celebrate owning this… Continue reading

The Endeavourers Reveal Day: Emotions

It is the day when The Endeavourers online art quilt group reveals the works inspired by the latest theme. This quarter’s challenge was “Emotions/Feelings.” Inspired by the process of working creatively, I chose… Continue reading