Tag Archive: International Quilt Festival

Banjara Textile Scraps

This year at the International Quilt Festival, I bought these fabulous scraps.  They were labeled “Banjara textiles from Afghanistan.”     I had never heard of Banjara textiles before, so of course I… Continue reading

International Quilt Festival 2019

This year I was again able to go to the International Quilt Festival (IQF) here in Houston, and again, I had only three hours to be at the show. My husband drove me… Continue reading

International Quilt Festival 2018

Being that I live outside of Houston, most years I am able to attend the International Quilt Festival. However, I also drive a big pick-up truck, so driving myself downtown and trying to… Continue reading

Quilt Festival Treasures

Here are some of the quilt pictures I took at the 2013 International Quilt Festival, and what caught my attention about these particular quilts.  (The pictures are huge, but when I try to… Continue reading

Quilt Festival Treats

One of the great benefits of living near Houston, Texas, is that going to the International Quilt Festival takes just a short car trip.  Since I don’t have to plan and pay for… Continue reading

International Quilt Festival, Part Two

(You may want to start imagining the Mission Impossible music playing in the background). Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to rescue textiles that might otherwise fall into the wrong… Continue reading

International Quilt Festival, Part One

Here are some of the fabulous quilts I saw today.  I went through the exhibits in about an hour, so I didn’t come close to seeing everything.  I love being allowed to take… Continue reading