International Quilt Festival, Part Two

(You may want to start imagining the Mission Impossible music playing in the background).

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to rescue textiles that might otherwise fall into the wrong hands, or languish unloved in warehouses.  You will wend your way among 10,000 shoppers, choose your textiles from among 500 booths, rescue, and extract your merchandise.  Your credit card will self-destruct in 90 minutes.

Fortunately I am up for the challenge.  At Quilt Festival, I do not “shop” so much as “strike.”

Normally, I am not big on shopping, and if I do go out to shop, I browse, consider, stroll, reconsider, and finally purchase.  At Quilt Festival all that goes out the window.  I see, I decide, I sign a receipt.

Here are my finds from this year’s show.

Mission Accomplished