
Last summer we took charge of the family archives, about 12 big cartons full of loose papers and photos.  The last few days, I have been working steadily to digitize the family letters from the WWII era.  I have scanned literally 361 pages.  They are interesting reading, but as they were all written on traditional cream-colored stationery, it feels like I am drowning in a Sea of Oatmeal.

Dull dull files. How could anyone stand this much uniformity?

I need to take a break from all these neutrals, and rest up on a Cay of Color, a Shore of Saturation, an Island of Iridescence, a Haven of Hue!

Here is a remedy, a quilt that has been sent to me to fix if possible. 

Colorful quilt to mend.

It belongs to a friend of my sister’s, a veteran and a welder.  (He is supposed to be writing the story of this quilt for me to post, and he is definitely not getting it back until he does.)  But the summary as I heard it, is that he and some friends were doing volunteer work in Iowa to fix a lady’s house, and she was so happy that they were doing it, that she ran inside and started making them all quilts.  He has cherished it for years.

My very favorite block.

My other very favorite block.

I think the pieces were stitched to this white curtain for a foundation.

The back (with the front folded over on the right).

It always makes me so happy when someone treasures a quilt that was given to them!

Based on all the kinds of fabric in this quilt, I made my own jump rope rhyme:

and taffeta,
terry cloth
and tape,
and crinkle cloth,
and crepe!

I’m sure there are lots more kinds of fabric included, but now I feel refreshed and can go back and finish the letters from 1946!