Super Scrappy Lap Quilt for ScrapHappy August

Well, if it weren’t for quarterly participation in The Endeavourers online art quilt group, and monthly posts for ScrapHappy Day on the 15th, it seems I wouldn’t be posting at all! Maybe someday soon I will branch out again.

So here is a super scrappy lap quilt, that pretty much finishes up anything I have in the red/white/blue colorway.  (When I brought it to my quilt group, celebrating that I have finished up one color group of scraps, I immediately received lots of offers of more, though.)

Scrap lap quilt for the VA hospital.

Scrap lap quilt for the VA hospital. I may have overcompensated for the predictability of my last quilt.

scrappy quilt back

The blue and white strip down the middle is from the quilt I did before this one.

The batting on this is not real batting, it is a piece of a bright green polyester plush that was donated.  It sewed up very nicely, but it didn’t pouf up around the stitches, and support the top nicely.  But it was free and it was made useful.

Most of the construction and painting is done on our house, and when I took the quilt outside to photograph, I noticed how it looked like an extension of the house.  And the wild, scrappy side is giving me an idea for a painted barn quilt on my garden shed!  But not quite this wild.

Suddenly I have a 3-story house!

scrap quilt and blue house

My artistic statement — “It’s a metaphor for all the odds and ends of lumber and tools surrounding my house, with me as the bright red dot in the middle, striving to maintain my sanity and creativity in the midst of all this disorder….”

ScrapHappy Day is the 15th of each month.  It is hosted by Kate and Gun, and I thank them for providing a semblance of structure to my month!  All of the participants are linked up here:

Kate Gun, TittiHeléneEvaSue, Nanette, Lynn, Lynda,
Birthe, Turid, Susan, Cathy, Debbierose, Tracy, Jill, Claire, Jan,
Moira, SandraLindaChrisNancy, Alys, Kerry, Claire, Jean,
Joanne, Jon, HayleyDawn, Gwen (me!), Connie, Bekki, Pauline and Sue L.