Up From the Depths

When I first started this blog, I wanted to stay away from encyclopedia-type reports on the textile arts.  But as time has gone by, I have realized that it would be helpful for me to have background information in one place, so that if I refer to spinning on a drop spindle, or an Egyptian loom, or something, that information would already be here and I wouldn’t have to repeat.

Also, I get some views from students searching for that kind of thing, and as a former teacher, I hate to disappoint them!

So for the last few weeks, I have been working on a page about basic textile processes, and it is finally done!  I feel like I am emerging from a deep well into some fresh air.  It’s been cold and cloudy for weeks and I’ve been researching in old books, and trying to figure out how to structure the information, and trying to take pictures with the timer on my camera – but when I have an idea stuck in my mind, I just can’t go around it, I have to work through it.  It may not even be helpful to anyone, I don’t know, but at least it benefited me and I have a sense of completion.  I hope it helps someone with their homework sometime.

Here are a few other things that have been going on here at the Textile Farm.  We have tons of birds at the feeders, and that brings a lot of hawks.

Wood ducks normally show up this time of year and stay a couple of days – my husband built a nesting box for them and we are hoping it convinces a pair to stay.



red-shouldered hawk

Red-shouldered hawk.  We’ve also had an osprey around lately, but my pictures of him are too blurry.

wood duck box

My husband built a nesting box for wood ducks!


We have had a lot of cold cloudy weather lately, but some spectacular sunsets.

I’m ready to move on to some new projects!